I’m Jo Pate.
Entrepreneur, health junkie, wife, mom, Gigi, and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, or FDN-P for short.
I teach individuals like you to re-claim your health – even when it seems you have exhausted all avenues. I believe your body is so amazing, you can not only heal,but thrive.
I’m Jo Pate.
Entrepreneur, health junkie, wife, mom, Gigi, and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, or FDN-P for short.
I teach individuals like you to re-claim your health – even when it seems you have exhausted all avenues. I believe your body is so amazing, you can not only heal, but thrive.

I teach ONLINE or IN-PERSON workshops
With the exact steps you need to form a solid health foundation! Offering the necessary testing to provide the answers to the questions of why you continue to deal with nagging symptoms day after day.
Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has led you to believe. Together we will create a program that helps you restore ownership of your health and live the high-vibe life you are meant to live.
My Blog
3 Sleep Secrets To Try Tonight
For so many women, a full night's sleep seems like [...]
Are You Putting Gas On the Fire
If someone yelled "fire, fire" what would your response be? [...]
Curious How The Power Of Happiness Can Be On Your Plate?
They say good food equals a good mood, but what [...]
5 Easy Ways to Calm Stress Today
Do you ever wonder how your stress level affects your [...]
Change begins now…
“What if there’s more to the body than we’ve been taught. ”