If you close your eyes right now and hear the words “I’m sick”, what do you see?
Do you see someone in a hospital bed with monitors and tubes? Do you see someone that is in visible need of a doctor or hospital? Do you see someone that looks perfectly healthy?
You see friend, there are millions of women suffering in silence. Why? When you suffer from an invisible illness you look perfectly normal on the outside, but inside you suffer from any one of dozens of diagnoses that make your life anything but normal. What’s worse is when there is no official diagnosis because the doctors don’t have a verified answer.
You see, so many disorders can have multiple symptoms and those symptoms can be a part of many disorders. Take fatigue. It can be a symptom in Lupus, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Multiple Sclerosis, food sensitivities, and so, so many more.
Can you see fatigue? Absolutely not. You just see the results of it.
Here’s the thing…living with an invisible illness impacts everything, and you’re typically left to suffer in silence. Why? You know somethings off. You feel it. You can’t eat the foods you used to. You walk a mile and need to lay down, or you just can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning. Not because you’re lazy or want attention. In fact, you want nothing more than to be normal…to feel normal!
Feeling that you are supposed to be whole, that you look “normal” but knowing you’re broken can lead to a feeling of frustration and isolation. It leads to suffering in silence.
Trauma surrounding the illness can only complicate things further.
What can you do?
- Be your own best advocate. You know your body better than anyone else. Make a timeline of what’s happened in your life surrounding your illness. It can help determine if there was a particular event that started the ball rolling or one traumatic event that led to your current outcome. Remember, you
are putting together pieces of your health puzzle. - Review your doctor’s findings and any results of the tests you’ve had and get a second opinion. Look into speaking to a Functional Health or Bio-energetic health practitioner.
- Find a common bond by locating in-person or online groups that will support you in your journey
Sis, remember, you can’t control what other people think, or say, about you in your battle with an invisible illness. You can only control how well you travel the road you’re on.
I invite you to click here for more information on dealing with an invisible illness.
Until next time. Health & Hugs xoxo
Jo Pate
This is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as professional mental advice or medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional mental health advice or treatment, or medical advice or treatment. If you have a medical or mental health concern you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical or mental health treatment. Never disregard professional treatment because of something you read on this blog. If you feel you have an emergency situation, seek professional help immediately.